Contribution org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layouts.webapp.base--widgets
In component org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layouts.webapp.base
inside nuxeo-platform-webapp-base-2023.24.12.jar /OSGI-INF/layouts-contrib.xml
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in the containing component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component (see "Resolution Order" on components).
This contribution is part of XML component Extension Point
Extension point widgets of component LayoutStore.Registration Order
The registration order represents the order in which this contribution was registered on its target extention
This will impact the override/merge behaviour when it is implemented on the target service, and is useful for
proper customization of existing contributions.
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in the containing component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component (see "Resolution Order" on components).
Contributed Items
XML Source
<extension point="widgets" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.LayoutStore">
<widget name="displayObsoleteEntries" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Display obsolete entries</label>
<widget name="select2_directory_name" type="selectOneResource">
<label mode="any">Directory Name</label>
<label mode="any">
Name of the directory
<mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>
<properties widgetMode="any">
<property name="required">true</property>
<properties mode="any">
<property name="resourceName">vocabularies</property>
<property name="includel10nDirectories">true</property>
<widget name="select2_directory_fetch_mode" type="selectOneListbox">
<label mode="any">Fetch Mode</label>
<label mode="any">
This attribute controls the fetch mode for directory entries.
Directory entries can either be fetched if they start with the
search term or if thery contain the search term.
Available since 5.9.2.
<option itemLabel="Starts with (default)" itemValue="false"/>
<option itemLabel="Contains" itemValue="true"/>
<widget name="select2_dbl10n" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Activate database localization</label>
<label mode="any">
Activate retrieval of localized labels in the
vocabulary database, when translations are held by the directory
itself, in fields with a label_[lang] pattern, and defaulting to
label_en. Available since 6.0.
<widget name="select2_canSelectParent" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Can select parent</label>
<label mode="any">
Check this option to allow selection of
<widget name="select2_filterParent" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Filter parent</label>
<label mode="any">
Check this option to apply filter on
<widget name="select2_dropdownOnArrow" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Dropdown on Arrow </label>
<label mode="any">
Check this option to dropdown the suggestions only when clicking the arrow on
the right of the single suggestion widget. By default the suggestions are
dropped down wherever you click.
<widget name="select2_separator" type="text">
<label mode="any">Select2 separator</label>
<label mode="any">
Separator character or string used to delimit ids
in value attribute of the multi-valued selects.
The default delimiter is the , character.
<mode value="any">hidden</mode>
<mode value="view_reference">view</mode>
<widget name="select2_frequency" type="text">
<label mode="any">Select2 frequency</label>
<label mode="any">
Delay (in milliseconds) before sending a request
to the server after a character is typed.
Default value is 300ms.
<widget name="select2_closeOnSelect" type="text">
<label mode="any">Select2 closeOnSelect</label>
<label mode="any">
If set to false the dropdown is not closed after a selection is made,
allowing for rapid selection of multiple items.
By default this option is set to true.
<widget name="select2_directory_labelFieldName" type="text">
<label mode="any">Label field name</label>
<label mode="any">
Name of the Directory field that should be
used to
define the Label of entry.
If not set 'label'
will be
used. In case of
localization with a directory field for
each supported language (see
dbl10n option), by default
fields with pattern like 'label_en',
'label_fr' or
'label_de' will
be searched. You can customize looked up
fields by
a pattern like
'label_{lang}' where the part {lang}
will be
replaced with
the current locale.
<widget name="userSuggestionSearchType" type="selectOneListbox">
<label mode="any">Search type</label>
<option itemLabel="Users and Groups" itemValue=""/>
<option itemLabel="Users" itemValue="USER_TYPE"/>
<option itemLabel="Groups" itemValue="GROUP_TYPE"/>
<widget name="userSuggestion_groupRestriction" type="text">
<label mode="any">Group id restriction</label>
<label mode="any">
Enter the id of a group to suggest only user from this
<widget name="userSuggestion_prefixed" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Use prefixed reference</label>
<label mode="any">
Check this box if you want the references prefixed
with "user:" or "group:".
<widget name="userSuggestion_firstLabelField" type="text">
<label mode="any">First label field</label>
<label mode="any">
Field to use as the first label when displaying the
selected user. Defaults to 'firstName'.
<widget name="userSuggestion_secondLabelField" type="text">
<label mode="any">Second label field</label>
<label mode="any">
Field to use as the second label when displaying the
selected user. Defaults to 'lastName'.
<widget name="userSuggestion_thirdLabelField" type="text">
<label mode="any">Third label field</label>
<label mode="any">
Field to use as the third label when displaying the
selected user. Defaults to 'email'. Available since 5.5.
<widget name="userSuggestion_hideFirstLabel" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Hide first label</label>
<label mode="any">
Boolean indicating if the first label should be
hidden. Defaults to false.
<widget name="userSuggestion_hideSecondLabel" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Hide second label</label>
<label mode="any">
Boolean indicating if the second label should be
hidden.Defaults to false.
<widget name="userSuggestion_hideThirdLabel" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Hide third label</label>
<label mode="any">
Boolean indicating if the third label should be
hidden. Defaults to false. Available since 5.5.
<widget name="userSuggestion_displayAction" type="selectOneListbox">
<label mode="any">Display action</label>
<label mode="any">
The display action to use when rendering the user or
group. Can be 'nothing' to just display text only, 'view' to have a
link going to the user or group view, or 'edit' to have a link going
to the user or group edition. The 'edit' action assumes the widget is
used in the Users and Groups management.
<option itemLabel="View" itemValue="view"/>
<option itemLabel="Edit" itemValue="edit"/>
<option itemLabel="Nothing" itemValue="nothing"/>
<widget name="userSuggestion_displayEmailInSuggestion" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Display email for users</label>
<label mode="any">
Boolean indicating if the email should be displayed
for users. Defaults to false. Available since 5.5.
<widget name="userSuggestionMaxSearchResults" type="int">
<label mode="any">Max search results</label>
<label mode="any">
Number of maximum search results in the suggestion
(defaults to 0 that means no limit).
<widget name="suggestion_minChars" type="int">
<label mode="any">Minimum characters</label>
<label mode="any">
The minimal number of characters to type for the
suggestion to be active. Defaults to 3.
<widget name="suggestion_resultLimit" type="int">
<label mode="any">Limit returned results</label>
<label mode="any">
The maximal number of result returned by the suggestion.
Defaults to unlimited.
<widget name="userSuggestion_frequency" type="int">
<label mode="any">Frequency</label>
<label mode="any">
Delay (in seconds) before activating the suggestion
pop-up. Default value is 0.
<widget name="userSuggestion_requestDelay" type="int">
<label mode="any">Request delay</label>
<label mode="any">
The requestDelay attribute specifies an amount of time
in milliseconds for the request to wait in the queue before being sent
to the server. If a similar request is added to the queue before the
delay is over, the original request is removed from the queue and not
<widget name="suggestion_width" type="text">
<label mode="any">Width</label>
<label mode="any">The suggestion width.</label>
<widget name="suggestion_helpLabel" type="text">
<label mode="any">Help Label</label>
<label mode="any">
The help label is displayed below the
<widget name="select2_containerCssClass" type="text">
<label mode="any">Container css class</label>
<label mode="any">
Css class of the Select2 selection container
<widget name="select2_dropdownCssClass" type="text">
<label mode="any">Dropdown css class</label>
<label mode="any">
Css class of the Select2 dropdown suggestion
<widget name="select2_suggestionFormatter" type="text">
<label mode="any">Suggestion Formatter</label>
<label mode="any">
Name of the JavaScript function that
will be
called by select2 to do the formatting of the
target function should take as input
the javascript Document as
returned by Automation and should
return some Html.
Use the "Inline Javascript" property field to define your own
<widget name="select2_selectionFormatter" type="text">
<label mode="any">Selection Formatter</label>
<label mode="any">
Name of the JavaScript function that
will be
called by the widget to do the formatting of the
selected entries.
target function should take as input
the javascript Document as
returned by Automation and should
return some Html.
Use the "Inline Javascript" property field to define your own
<widget name="select2_additionalParam" type="text">
<label mode="any">Additional Operation Parameters</label>
<label mode="any">
Name of the JavaScript function that
will be
called by select2 to pass additional parameters to
the automation operation. See
<widget name="select2_inlinejsDemoPreview" type="textarea">
<label mode="any">Inline Javascript</label>
<mode value="any">hidden</mode>
<mode value="edit_demo_preview">#{layout.mode}</mode>
<label mode="any">
Javascript to be injected in the page with
the Widget.
You can define here custom formatters
referenced in "Selection
Formatter" and
"Suggestion Formatter" fields. Example:
function myFormatter(entry) {
var markup = entry.displayLabel;
return markup;
</pre> </label>
<widget name="select2_inlinejs" type="codearea">
<label mode="any">Inline Javascript</label>
<mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>
<label mode="any">
Javascript to be injected in the page with
the Widget.
You can define here custom formatters
referenced in "Selection
Formatter" and
"Suggestion Formatter" fields. Example:
function myFormatter(entry) {
var markup = entry.displayLabel;
return markup;
</pre> </label>
<properties mode="any">
<property name="language">javascript</property>
<widget name="select2_directorySuggestion_canAddNewEntry" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Can add new entry</label>
<label mode="any">
Boolean stating if user should be able to add a new
entry on the directory from this widget. Available since 5.9.1,
defaults to "false".
<widget name="select2_directorySuggestion_addNewEntryFilter" type="text">
<label mode="any">Filter for adding a new entry</label>
<label mode="any">
The action filter id used to check whether user should
be presented the 'add new entry' action on the suggestion widget.
variable 'directoryName' is available in context for this filter
evaluation. Available since 5.9.1, defaults to
<widget name="documentSuggestion_tab" type="text">
<label mode="any">Tab</label>
<label mode="any">
The tab to select when clicking on the document link.
<widget name="documentSuggestion_subTab" type="text">
<label mode="any">Sub Tab</label>
<label mode="any">
The sub tab to select when clicking on the document
<widget name="documentSuggestion_pageProviderName" type="text">
<label mode="any">Document page provider name</label>
<label mode="any">
The page provider that will be called to perform a
search for the suggestion. It must accept one parameter that will be
replaced by the suggestion input. Since 5.7, additional parameters set
on the page provider definition will also be taken into account (but
the suggestion input will still be used as the first implicit
parameter). If no name is defined, a default page provider is used.
<widget name="documentSuggestion_pageProviderPageSize" type="int">
<label mode="any">Document page provider page size</label>
<label mode="any">
Page provider result's page size. Default value is 20.
<widget name="documentSuggestion_queryDemoPreview" type="text">
<label mode="any">NXQL Query</label>
<mode value="any">hidden</mode>
<mode value="edit_demo_preview">#{layout.mode}</mode>
<label mode="any">
NXQL Query to fetch the suggestions. This property is
ignored if a
Page Provider name is given.
The widget doesn't append a '%'
wildcard to the parameter passed to query.
Example: select *
from Document where dc:title LIKE '?%'
<widget name="documentSuggestion_query" type="codearea">
<label mode="any">NXQL Query</label>
<mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>
<label mode="any">
NXQL Query to fetch the suggestions. This property is
ignored if a
Page Provider name is given.
The widget doesn't append a '%'
wildcard to the parameter passed to query.
Example: select *
from Document where dc:title LIKE '?%'
<properties mode="any">
<property name="language">nxql</property>
<widget name="documentSuggestion_documentSchemas" type="text">
<label mode="any">Document Schemas</label>
<label mode="any">
Document Schemas that should be fetched and
sent to the
JS client side. You can enter comma separated values.
Example: dublincore,common
</p> </label>
<widget name="documentSuggestion_repository" type="text">
<label mode="any">Target Repository</label>
<label mode="any">
Id of the Nuxeo repositry that should be
unsed, the default repository will be used.
<widget name="suggestion_orderable" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Orderable</label>
<label mode="any">
This attribute controls the possibility to order the
selected items. Available since 5.6.
<widget name="userSuggestion_hideSearchTypeText" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Hide Search Type Label</label>
<label mode="any">
This attribute controls the possibility to hide the
search type label. Available since 5.7.
<widget name="userSuggestion_displaySuggestionOnTop" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Display Suggestion On Top</label>
<label mode="any">
This attribute controls the possibility to display the
box on top of the search results. Available since 5.7.
<widget name="suggestion_hideHelpLabel" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Hide Help Label</label>
<label mode="any">
This attribute controls the possibility to hide the
help label. Available since 5.7.
<widget name="ajaxReRender" type="text">
<label mode="any">Ajax reRender</label>
<label mode="any">
Ajax rerender ids, separated by commas.
<widget name="actionsDisplay" type="selectOneListbox">
<label mode="any">Actions Display</label>
<label mode="any">
If set to 'buttons', actions will be displayed as
buttons. If set to 'links', actions will be displayed as
command links. If set to 'icons', actions will be displayed
as icons.
Else (default behaviour), actions will be
displayed as command links
and display their icons when
<option itemLabel="Icons and links (default)" itemValue="icons_links"/>
<option itemLabel="Icons" itemValue="icons"/>
<option itemLabel="Buttons" itemValue="buttons"/>
<option itemLabel="Links" itemValue="links"/>
<widget name="formActionsDisplay" type="selectOneListbox">
<label mode="any">Actions Display</label>
<label mode="any">
If set to 'buttons', actions will be displayed as
buttons. If set to 'links', actions will be displayed as
command links. If set to 'icons', actions will be displayed
as icons.
Else (default behaviour), actions will be
displayed as command links
and display their icons when
<option itemLabel="Buttons (default)" itemValue="buttons"/>
<option itemLabel="Icons and links" itemValue="icons_links"/>
<option itemLabel="Icons" itemValue="icons"/>
<option itemLabel="Links" itemValue="links"/>